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There are many opportunities to minister to the community.  The needs are all around us and we find such a joy in serving and ministering to those needs.



Not everyone's ability lies within the realm of the traditional roles within the church such as teacher, Bible Study facilitator, Worship leader, etc., but every believer can pray. Prayer is our main support in and among our members.  We have an active prayer chain that can be accessed at any time by calling 330-877-9260 or 330-877-4125.

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Our Children

Our young people are blessed to have gifted and talented individuals here who give sacrificially of their time as needed for ministering to those who meet here each week.  From the very youngest child, to the oldest 'youth' about to enter adulthood, we feel it is our responsibility as a faith based community to live our lives before them as examples, to help bring our youth up in a safe environment that pays attention to the individual, and gives spiritual guidance to each one.  



We believe music is very important in the life of the church.  Early musicians and worshipers in the temples of old raised their voices, and a variety of instruments in praise to God.  It should be no different today. Therefore, we enjoy the traditional hymns of old, blended with newer compositions from the 20th and 21st centuries.  While we do not 'rock 'n roll', nor strive to entertain you, we do endeavor to use our instruments and voices to escort you to the throne of grace where you can sense the Holy Spirit's presence and prepare you to receive that which has been prepared for your spiritual nourishment each week.   


Community service


Outreach to those outside of our four walls  is of utmost importance to us. There are so many around us who need to hear there are those who care about the lives they lead and the problems they face.  Therefore, in times past we have opened our meeting space to Alcoholic Anomynous and related groups, Muscular Distrophy support groups, Loved Ones of Prisoners (LOOP) Support Group, and others for weekly and monthly meetings.   If you have a ministry group that may need a space for a gathering, please feel free to contact us for consideration.



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